How Can Board software be aslo used for making meeting agendas?

The well-organized board meeting agenda helps to hold a meeting faster and makes it more efficient and understandable for all participants. This article will explain the role of the board management software in arranging the meeting agendas. 

How is a board meeting agenda organized?

No matter how short, each board meeting must have a written agenda. It should be distributed long before the meeting so that its participants have the opportunity to prepare for him in advance. Meetings without an agenda often turn into a general discussion, with participants not focused on key matters.

The meeting agenda is an official document, which includes the following information:

  • the topic of the meeting;
  • date, time and venue, duration;
  • compliance with formalities (the number of present members, lack of good reason, etc.);
  • consideration of issues missed at the previous meeting;
  • the procedure for discussing issues, taking into account their urgency, complexity, production necessity;
  • the ability to speak out on the listed issues (the presiding, list of speakers, and time for discussing each issue is in advance).

So, the essential meaning of the word “agenda” means approximately the following: “What should be reported.” The agenda serves a certain goal – to inform people about the alleged subject of the meeting, about those present, the place and time of its holding, the alleged duration, what issues will be discussed, and how people should prepare to participate in the meeting effectively.

Board software for automated meeting agenda

Using automated management systems like board software allows companies to organize more advanced forms of information and documentation support, which helps to improve the quality of training of all types and formats of documents and time changes for all available documents.


So, the formation of the meeting agenda in the board portal solution includes the following stages:

  • Issues must be already added to the meeting card to form the summons of the meeting,
  • If there are no questions for the meeting yet, the initiator of the formation of the agenda will be notified to add questions. Then, on the meeting card, click the form of forming the summons.
  • During the business process, “form a summons” will be automatically generated by the agenda file, and the meeting secretary will set the task of checking this file.
  • Then, the agenda will be aimed at approval by the chairman.
  • After approval, the meeting participants will be notified of the formation of the agenda.
  • If changes must be made to the formed agenda, the secretary or chairman of the meeting may press the button to make changes to the summons on the meeting card, after which the process of generating the agenda file and its approval will be re-launched.